Monday, June 1, 2020

1.06.20 We All Had a Lovely Summer Half Term Holiday Vicariously

Well good morning everybody and welcome back to the School of Daddy - we do hope you've had a restful and stress free half term holiday and are raring to go! Congratulations to all those Primary schools who have reopened their doors to Reception, Y1 and Y6 completely risk free - but remember, always keep those windows open and always stay alert! Harry and Katie are luckily and understandably overjoyed to be able to continue their wonderful home schooling journey with me as they are too young, too old, too young but not too old.... erm, not in the right year groups to go back. 

As always, we like to start the new half term with a nice ice-breaker activity but again lockdown precluded us from enjoying our favourite activity of sharing what we did over the holidays. Instead we thought we'd look at what other people who were allowed out have done in their holidays and my, my - they have been busy! So busy in fact that we have been able to include the following cross-curricular links: History and Norman castle design; Maths and the various formulae to work out speed, distance and time - fuel consumption as an extension activity; PHSCE - Government and Planning Laws and finally Biology and the structure of the eye. The children just so happen to be due their next eye test too.

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